BBA (MCI) Specialisation in Business Analytics

Course Details
Course Name

BBA Specialisation in Business Analytics

Course Type

Bachelor (European Qualifications Level 6)

Course Sector

Marketing Communication & Information

Course Duration

3-4 Years


240 European Credits

Entry Points Per Year

6 x entry per year possible

Next Starting Date(s)

10 February 2025, 31 March 2025, 19 May 2025

Degree or Qualification

Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA), registered under CROHO 39239, B Bachelor Business Administration



Tuition Fee

Annual: € 11,800 or € 5,800 (NL, EU, UK & Ukraine)

Scholarship Award

Students who choose the Marketing & Communication pathway of the BBA degree, and the specialisation in Business Analytics are often interested in the technology and information strategies, especially in the field of digitalisation, marketing & sales, that supports companies and organisations. It is a challenging programme and fully packed with business, marketing and information data projects.

All Bachelor of Business Administration students complete a series of broad marketing and information management modules, alongside modules in finance and organisation management. Those students who choose the pathway MCI with the specialisation in Data Analytics are introduced to the aspects of technology and data analysis that will affect the success of marketing and information strategies of the company or organisation.

Marketing Communication & Information (MCI) comprises a combination of business marketing strategies, branding and the way that businesses and organisations promote themselves to the outside world. It is the business of creating a constant image that will promote the company, its ideals and its products. Marketing & Communication penetrates deeper than just the production of printed or online material, it deals with the way an organisation communicates its messages, both internally and externally.

Business Administrators dealing with the Marketing & Communication strategies of a company are constantly looking at the systems in place, at the human resources and the way in which they are managed, at the supply chain and at the sales pipeline – all areas affected directly by the marketing and communication strategy.

Marketing & Communication deals with branding, imaging, house style, and also with crisis management, downsizing and re-inventing – Marketing & Communication specialists are at the forefront of Business Administration!

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