MBA with specialisation in Data Analytics

Course Details
Course Name

MBA with specialisation in Data Analytics

Course Type

MBA – Master of Business Administration (Full-Time)

Course Sector

Business & Technology

Course Duration

18 months


90 European Credits

Entry Points Per Year

6 x entry dates per year possible

Next Starting Date(s)

(New - Starts 2021-2022)

Degree or Qualification

Master of Business Administration


Amsterdam Campus Only

Tuition Fee

€23,300- (Complete programme)

Scholarship Award

As data-driven technologies increasingly influence business decision making, a question that has developed is whether future managers should pursue a master’s degree in Business Administration or Data Analytics. This programme is unique as it covers both areas of study, offering you the ability to develop your knowledge and capability to link data, business processes and decision making.

The MBA in Data Analytics is one of the specialisations in our Master of Business Administration programme offered at Wittenborg University of Applied Sciences to full-time and part time students, with a 'tech' background, from the Netherlands and around the world.

Students will develop expertise in business and the administration and management of data analytics so that you can work with big data and combine data science with business management. The industry is always evolving, so alongside our international team of lecturers, we partner with industry experts to ensure that the content of the programme meets the needs of today’s dynamic and competitive business environment.

We welcome students from science or tech academic backgrounds with a minimum of 3-years' professional work experience to apply for this programme. Having a background in business or management is not a prerequisite for admission. The programme is modular in nature, with the first semester designed to equip you with the foundations in management, supplying the tools you require to specialise further in the MBA in Data Analytics programme.