MBA with specialisation in International Management

Course Details
Course Name

MBA with specialisation in International Management

Course Type

MBA - Master of Business Administration (Full Time)

Course Sector

Business & Finance

Course Duration

18 months


90 ECT

Entry Points Per Year

6 x entry per year possible

Next Starting Date(s)

10 February 2025, 31 March 2025, 19 May 2025

Degree or Qualification

Master of Business Administration (MBA) Accredited by FIBAA & NVAO


Apeldoorn & Amsterdam

Tuition Fee

€23,300- (Complete programme)

Scholarship Award
Uyen Nguyen, MBA in International Management

Uyen Nguyen (Vietnam): "Studying an MBA at Wittenborg has helped me gain professional knowledge and social experiences. There is a reasonable number of students in one class; hence, students have more chances to communicate, discuss and mingle. Diversity in nationalities of students and teachers is one of the most dominant characteristics of Wittenborg that I feel is very interesting. The staff and teachers at Wittenborg are very friendly and approachable. I have improved my communication skills and management knowledge to a higher level, thanks to the MBA programme at Wittenborg." 

The Master of Business Administration (MBA) in International Management is offered at Wittenborg's Apeldoorn and Amsterdam campuses.

It allows students to follow modules, or part of modules at either campus, and is taught by an international team of lecturers and researchers from academia and industry.

The MBA in International Management degree programme is aimed at students with a business and non-business administration Bachelor degree backgrounds. Candidates will have had at least 3 years of experience working in companies and organizations in a role that manages people or processes, or both.

Candidates for this Wittenborg MBA will speak good English and have worked in an international environment.

“The Wittenborg MBA degree programme is aimed at providing graduates with the skills and competencies to fulfil management positions in the field of business administration, both in the public and private sector. These positions can include management or policy-making positions in large organisations, as well as positions of management  in small to medium sized companies (SMEs). An aim is that students are able to critical analyse and evaluate various developments within an organisation so that they can form, create and instigate policies, visions and aims and solutions within that organisation. They should be in a position to analyse the strategic processes and vision of a company or organisation and using this analysis apply and implement tools to innovate, optimise and (re-)structure these processes using an integral approach. From an international perspective the students should learn to analyse the environment they find themselves in and adapt their behaviour and role according to the macro and micro environments they find themselves in."