Create robots that fit seamlessly in society, industry, and healthcare, revolutionising quality of life, safety, and efficiency.
Today, robots are not a sci-fi dream but an integral part of the high-tech industry. Manufacturing, maintenance, construction, navigation, agri-food production, healthcare, and many other sectors heavily rely on robotic systems. By overtaking dangerous, high-precision, or mundane tasks from humans, they help increase efficiency and accuracy. However, developing the technology and AI algorithms necessary for robots to intelligently interact with their surroundings and execute tasks is challenging. Think about designing an industrial robotic system that handles and packages fragile glassware in a factory or developing a social robot that intuitively interacts with patients in a hospital. If you want to dive into the mechatronics, control, software, AI, and the legal, ethical, social, and economical intricacies of making robots, the Master’s in Robotics at the University of Twente is a great opportunity for you.
In this two-year, English-taught Master’s, you will learn to develop robotic solutions for pressing challenges in industry, healthcare, and society. You will focus on all aspects of the complex process of making a robot: from the mechatronics to the AI that powers it. Thanks to the multidisciplinary nature of the programme, you will draw insights from fields including mechanical and electrical engineering, computer science, and social sciences.
Start date
You can start your studies in September or February. If you need to take the Pre-Master's first, you can only start in September and, upon completion, continue with your Master's in February.
Why study Robotics at UT?
As a student of Robotics at the University of Twente, you can choose what kind of robot you want to develop: a robot for healthcare, a drone, an industrial robot, or a social robot. In addition, you can tailor your programme to your interests and objectives, whether focusing on academic research, design engineering, or innovation and entrepreneurship. You will collaborate with students from other specialisations and take a holistic approach to the design and creation of a robot. Working in modern labs, such as the Robotics and Mechatronics Lab, the Precision Engineering Lab, the Human Media Interaction Lab, the Wearable Robotics Lab, and the Surgical Robotics Lab, you will contribute to the development of new robotic systems that serve society.
Choose a specialisation
You have a lot of freedom to customise your Master’s in Robotics to your interests and ambitions. Do you want to specialise in endowing a robot with intelligence so that it can make its own decisions? Are you interested in making the interaction between humans and robots more natural? Or do you prefer to focus on the robot’s hardware and create a functional robot that can navigate its environment? Within this Master’s, you will develop a unique expertise in a specific domain of robotics by choosing one of the three specialisations. Your choice determines what courses you will take and the focus of your research in your master’s thesis project. You can opt for one of the following specialisations:
Algorithms and Software AI
Today’s rapid advancements in artificial intelligence are contributing to the increased autonomy of robots. Is this a daunting or favourable development? In the specialisation in Algorithms & Software AI, you will delve into the potential and limitations of deep learning, perception, cognition, navigation, and software development to improve the decision-making process inside a robotic system.
2 yearsFull-time
Human-Robot Interaction and Social AI
How can you endow robots with the intelligence necessary to effectively interact with people and, eventually, work together? Think of robot butlers, assistants, or customer service providers. In this specialisation, you will learn to make human-robot interaction socially effective, natural, and of real added value to people and organisations.
2 yearsFull-time
Mechatronics and Physical AI
Ever wondered how a robot navigates the blend of mechatronics, computer science, and control theory? This specialisation focuses on understanding robots as physical systems governed by natural laws. You will dive into developing a robot’s hardware, which allows the robot to move and interact with people and objects in an intelligent way.
2 yearsFull-time
More interested in Biorobotics?
Do you want to integrate medical knowledge with your skills to design and develop robotic systems? And do you want to implement these technologies in healthcare? Then the specialisation Biorobotics from the Master's in Biomedical Engineering might also be a good fit for you.
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Make impact with your Master's
Curious about advancing cancer research? Discover how the Master’s in Robotics can help you to make biopsy procedures more effective in the future. Watch the video to see how you can make a difference!
career perspectives
The demand for robotics engineers is surging as the realm of AI-based robotic systems is rapidly expanding. You will find job opportunities in various sectors, such as high-tech corporations, manufacturing and automation firms, healthcare and medical research institutions, consumer electronics companies, and robotics start-ups, among others.
During your Master's, you can choose whether to focus on academic research, design engineering, or innovation and entrepreneurship. Moreover, you can select a distinct application area that defines the type of robot you will learn to build and the career path you can take.
You will find a wealth of career opportunities if you focus on robotics for industry. Think of designing robots that inspect underground pipes, perform maintenance on buildings, or examine space rovers—all risky, repetitive, and tiring tasks for humans. What about making drones that monitor crops or inspect roads and instantly transmit data about possible risks? You can contribute to the development of collaborative robots that work alongside humans or are integrated with existing machinery. Among some of the companies where you can work are Demcon, VDL Group, RIWO Engineering, Thales, and ASML.
Are you motivated to develop advanced and fundamental robotics to contribute to solutions for healthcare? If you go in the direction of robotics for healthcare, you can work on the development of robotic principles and prototypes to be used for diagnosis, support surgeons, care, or rehabilitation. Think of robots that assist MRI biopsies, very precisely inserting needles, or AI-augmented diagnosis equipment. You can work at companies like Philips Medical Systems, Medtronic, Demcon, and Gable Systems.
Do you want to make robots that help people overcome daily obstacles and improve their quality of life? Imagine a humanoid robot in customer service or a robot that enables homebound elderly people to exchange messages with their loved ones. If you focus on robotics for society, you can contribute to the advancement of social robots able to guide patients in hospitals or clear dishes from restaurant tables. What about developing electroactive fabrics (WEAFs) integrated into clothing that can offer athletes real-time feedback? You can find a job at companies like Philips, TNO, and Nedap.
Diverse career paths open up once you complete your Master's. You can work at high-tech or robotics companies, delve into specialised research in academia, or even start your own robotics company. Job opportunities include roles like a robotics engineer, system engineer, robotics designer, mechatronics engineer, project leader, or control engineer. These positions are in high demand across many companies, such as ASML, Demcon, Siemens, Philips, VDL Group, RIWO Engineering, and Thales.
Programme overview